to the COVID-19 outbreak and the restrictions being placed for large
gatherings, A&N Electric Cooperative will be holding an abbreviated Annual
Meeting of the Membership this year. The
meeting will be held at its office located at 21275 Cooperative Way, Tasley,
Virginia 23441 and will be held at 7 p.m. on Aug. 27, 2020.There
will be no
registration gifts or door prize drawings at the
meeting. All members who return a valid signed designated proxy by Aug.
24, 2020 will be eligible to win one of several bill credits ranging from $50
to $250. Return the completed proxy, which accompanied a member's July billing statement (members who use paperless billing will be mailed a proxy form), to A&N Electric Cooperative either by mailing it back to the cooperative or by returning it in person to the cooperative's office in Tasley. Look
for more 2020 Annual Meeting details online at anec.com and on the
cooperative's Facebook page.In accordance with current restrictions, there will be a limit to the number of members that will be allowed to attend in person. If you desire to attend, please contact the cooperative at 757.787.9750 or fill out the webform at www.anec.com/content/annual-meeting-2020 to register your attendance and to receive information concerning meeting requirements and updated information.A
recorded broadcast will be made available after the meeting.