Business Directory

Rep Roster

Mr. Jeff Nagle
Accomack County Farm Bureau

Ms. Joan Natali
Citizens for Central Park

Ms. Roberta Newman
Consulting Coordinator
Go & Grow Eastern Shore

Mr. Tony Nichols
Director of Sales & Marketing
Blue Water Hospitality

Ms. Eva Noonan
Chesapeake Properties Real Estate, Inc.

Mr. Butch Notthingham
Association of Virginia Potato and Vegetable Growers

Ms. Susan Nottingham
Ginsberg, Nottingham & Mapp

Benjamin Nowlan
Vice President
Underground Connections LLC

Ms. Rosemary Nye
Better Business Bureau

Ms. Alexis O'Leary
Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc.

Ms. Ellen OBrien
Partner, Live Local-ISH, LLC
Local-ISH Art

Aya Ofunniyin
Travel Agent
Dream in Color Travel

Mr. Robert Oliver
Managing Member
Kyro Builders, LLC

Mr. E. David Outten
Herbert Senn Co., Inc.

Mr. Dave Padavana
Account Manager
Damuth Trane

Ms. Leticia Palacio
Palacios Corporation

Ms. Karen Parker
Waterford Printing, Inc.

Mr. Matt Parker
Matt Parker Coldwell Banker Harbour Realty

Ms. Pat Parker
Onley Preschool

Mrs. Pat Parker
Coastal Homes by Beracah

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