Business Directory

Rep Roster

Dr. Katherine C. Grier
Eastern Shore Public Library Foundation
Professor Emerita, Department of Hisotry and Director (ret.). Museum Studies Program, University of Delaware. Retired January 2020. 

Ms. Tevya Griffin
Cape Charles Rosenwald School Restoration Initiative

Charlie Grizzard
Grizzard Farms and Nurseries, LLC

Ms. Mary Groome
Loan Consultant
Arbor Home Loans

Ms. Tori Grundman
Marketing Officer
Taylor Bank

Mr. Cliff Grunstra
Chief Marketing Officer
Delmarva Central Railroad Company

Mr. Channing Guvernator
Inspire Network

Mr. Chris Guvernator
Executive Director
Eastern Shore of VA Habitat for Humanity

Ms. Jill Hall
President & CEO
Landmark Insurance & Financial Group, Inc.
President & CEO

Dr. Rhonda Hall
Division Superintendent
Accomack County Public Schools

Mr. Richard F. Hall, III
Four Corner Plaza LLC & North of Market Holdings, LLC

Mr. David L. Harlow
Norfolk Truck Center, Inc.

Ms. Shirleen Harmon
Anointed Hands Bakery

Ms. Christine Harris
Intrepid USA Healthcare at Home

Ms. Margaret Harris
Shore Creations

Ms. Caitlin Hart
Cherrystone Aqua Farms

Ms. Crystal M. Hart
Williams-Parksley Funeral Home, Inc.

Mr. Garland Hart, Jr
Off The Rails

Mrs. Janice Hart
Jaxon's, Inc. and Jaxon's Hardware

Ms. Kelley Hart
Off The Rails

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