Business Directory
Onancock Main Street (OMS)

Onancock Main Street (OMS) is a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization that works to develop and sustain our historic downtown as a vital economic, cultural, recreational and residential center for our community.  OMS works in partnership with community and business stakeholders and the Town of Onancock to ensure our downtown not only grows, but thrives.

Through marketing initiatives, public space improvements, business engagement programs, historic preservation, and more, OMS contributes to the establishment of a strong and vibrant downtown district.

As a designated Virginia Main Street (VMS) program, OMS follows the Main Street Four Point Approach developed by the National Main Street Center.  Leadership of OMS is provided by a volunteer Board of Directors, committees, as well as a paid part-time program manager. Activities are focused in the areas of organization, economic restructuring, design, and promotion.

Our Vision:  Historic downtown Onancock is the commercial and cultural heart of a thriving waterfront community.

Our Mission:  Make Onancock the place where residents are proud to live, and visitors want to return. We will do this by forging community partnerships, cultivating downtown businesses, enhancing our artistic and recreational assets, and celebrating our historic and cultural character.
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